Why You Need to Know Your Numbers with Stephanie Skryzowski

The 3-Day Workweek Podcast with Cailen Ascher - 2019-06-12 - Why You Need to Know Your Numbers with Stephanie Skryzowski.jpg


This week’s episode is a real treat, especially if you don’t feel confident in your bookkeeping, or are still searching for a system that works for you!

Stephanie Skryzowski is a Chief Financial Officer that helps purpose-driven leaders better understand and use their numbers to make smart decisions for their business. She is the Founder and CEO of 100 Degrees Consulting which works with clients around the globe to help them do more and serve more. When she is not crunching the numbers, Stephanie is traveling the world with her husband and toddler daughter.

After spending the first decade of her career in financial leadership roles within the nonprofit world and landing the role of CFO for a large nonprofit organization, Stephanie realized that the stress of her job was making it difficult to get pregnant. She decided to take control of her work environment and leave her position, and began working with a business coach to help her get started. From there, her vision of serving as a fractional CFO for small businesses was born.

Tune into this my interview with Stephanie to learn:

  • How Stephanie made the decision to leave her CFO position at a large nonprofit organization

  • The importance of having a coach to guide you through the steps of starting, or scaling, your business

  • Why knowing your numbers and getting comfortable looking at your books is essential for growth

  • Tips for tracking your cashflow, including a special Excel template + training from Stephanie!

After you listen, take a screenshot of the podcast + tag me (@Cailen_Ascher) and Stephanie (@stephanie.skry) on Instagram, and let us know your favorite takeaways from the episode!

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